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About Us

We are Lily Kurzydlo, Lauren Kurzydlo, Jane Frankel, Grace Frankel, Arthur Frankel, Anna Kurzydlo, and Zuzanna Januz. We run ∞swimmers for life∞ because we are very passionate about swimming and want to share this passion with others. We were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to take swim lessons at a young age and then continue swimming at Ohio State University, Northwestern University, Depauw University, and competitive club teams. We are also Deerfield Park District swim instructors, lifeguards, and coaches and have seen the value swim lessons provide to children and wanted to give the same opportunity to every child. We value the importance of water safety. Many kids die every year from drowning because they don't know how to swim. Kids need to feel safe and comfortable in the water. We want to share our love for the water with other kids. 


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